Addiction Resource Ministry
Chaplain Mike's Story
Christians Recover is an addiction ministry led by Chaplain Michael Grisham. The mission of Christians Recover is to connect ministry leaders, families, and those struggling with addiction to life-saving addiction treatment resources.
Another large part of our ministry is guiding ministry leaders to a better understanding of addiction, which is a highly complex issue. Addiction has not only physical and mental effects on a person but also spiritual. Ministry leaders must know how to handle these situations with Biblical love and compassion.
The person struggling with addiction must understand that they are made in the Imago Dei meaning the “Image of God”. God did not intend for us to live our lives in bondage to addiction. Unfortunately, the human nature and propensity towards sin can lead people down this road of pain and despair.
But there is good news. Freedom from addiction can be found in the person of Christ. Healing, restoration, and renewal come with surrender to Christ, which will restore us to God and allow the Holy Spirit to reform the heart and mind.
We hope to provide pastors and ministry leaders with quality addiction treatment and program options, regardless of type of addiction, or financial status.

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