Chaplain Mike’s Story:
In 2013, my boss at the Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center in Tucson, AZ told me that I was going to conduct the morning devotion in the Chapel each morning for 15 to 20 minutes. I was terrified. What could I possibly have to say that could make a difference in any man’s recovery? I went to my room and got on my knees and asked the Lord to give me His utterances in a way that would help the men (82 of them) in their walk with Him. Every morning I carefully studied my Bible. I would highlight things related to addiction, sin, forgiveness, rebellion, foolishness, wisdom, obedience, repentance, spiritual maturity (or immaturity), worldly sorrow, faith, grace, mercy discernment, strength, weakness, and so much more. In my studies each morning I came to the realization that the Bible is filled with recovery and transformation.
Not too long after, I was given the privilege of teaching a class called God Wrote A Book. In this class, I taught that in order to move forward in Biblical based recovery, one needs to make definitive conclusions about the Bible. Is it the living breathing word of God? Or is it not?
From then on, I have developed a passion for teaching the word of God to those who are struggling with addiction. I also have a passion to connect people with addiction treatment resources that they can trust to help them get on the path to recovery.
If you are encountering an issue with addiction within your church, your family, or yourself, reach out to our ministry today. We can help you find the resources you need.