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We are living in a time where addiction is running rampant in our communities and it is destroying lives in the process. Christians Recover’s mission is to help pastors and ministry leaders connect with the addiction treatment centers across the nation that offer faith-based or faith-friendly substance abuse treatment.
We believe that pastors and ministry leaders should have a well-prepared arsenal of addiction resources ready to go at the moment of being asked for help. The reality is that many pastors and ministry leaders are overwhelmed with their duties of guiding and advising their brothers and sisters in Christ.
Chaplain Mike Grisham began this ministry with the intent to be a dynamic resource with treatment and program options available for all situations.
Including treatment centers with both science and faith-based components that offer the most success.
We fully believe that the body of Christ should be able to look to their pastors and ministry leaders for help with addictions to drugs or alcohol. More often than not, we hear from individuals who say that they were uncomfortable asking for help and felt that they would be judged.
Therefore, the secondary goal of Christians Recover is to help church leaders create an environment of Biblical love and compassion, where people feel they can turn – no matter what the situation, or type of addiction they may be suffering from.
Knowing what to do and how to make a difference in that situation can help you better tend to the needs of those you lead. Call us today.