Polydrug Use

One of the most common things discussed
throughout the church is that once you become a Christian, life often gets
harder instead of easier. There are often more temptations than there seemed to
be before you were saved. This is when people have to turn to their Christian
family for the vital support they need.

There are certain temptations that people make the mistake of assuming will never affect them as a Christian. One major issue is polydrug addiction. Polydrug addiction occurs when someone becomes addicted to more than one drug at the same time. Believe it or not, this can sometimes occur without the addicted person even realizing it. If someone is injured in an accident or trying to recover after major surgery, they take medications to ease the pain. Many of these drugs are addictive and can lead to the development of an addiction in a very short period of time.

When someone becomes addicted to prescription medication, it can lead to other drug abuse when prescriptions run out. This is when polydrug addiction really takes hold. People addicted to prescription drugs often try multiple illegal drugs to try to achieve the same effects of prescription drugs. Some people simply cannot handle the withdrawal symptoms that come when they stop using prescription drugs. Taking other drugs allows them to sidestep many of the withdrawal symptoms they would experience otherwise.

It’s important for churches to have options
for addicted members of their congregations. Most people don’t feel comfortable
talking about their addiction because they fear that they will be judged.
Having anonymous support available at church encourages them to reach out for

A Growing Problem

The “high” many addicted people seek when abusing drugs gradually becomes harder to achieve. Your body builds a tolerance to substances when you take them regularly. Once you build up a tolerance, your body needs more of it to achieve the same high. Many people find that the side effects of abusing drugs often become too intense. This is a common result of polydrug abuse.

Addicted people use specific drugs to counteract the side effects that come with substance abuse. For example, some people take meth when they use heroin because the side effects of each drug minimize the side effects of the other. This makes it easier to function throughout the day while on these substances. This is called speedballing.

When polydrug use takes place, it rewires the way the brain functions. Drugs affect the limbic system in the brain. They cause the release of feel-good emotions. They create sensations of happiness, calmness, and sometimes euphoria. When a person stops abusing substances, he or she becomes depressed because the body isn’t used to making the feel-good feelings on its own.

Once someone becomes physically and mentally addicted to drugs, it’s almost impossible to stop abusing them without professional help. This is because the body relies on the substance to function. So much so, in fact, that physical pain results when they stop using. It can include muscle cramping, stomach aches, headaches, and even nausea. Depression can also be unbearable, which calls for professional treatment by a qualified doctor.

Find Healing in God 

Many people make the mistake of thinking that once they have an addiction, their life is over. They think that the Lord can never look at them with the same love that He did before the addiction. That isn’t the case. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. It’s important to remember that while your initial choice was to abuse drugs, the cycle of the addiction that begins in your brain is beyond your control. By the time you wake up one day and realize it’s important to remember that the Holy Spirit gives us a spirit of self-control and It’s a good idea to seek counsel from an elder in your church. They can help you learn how to walk in the path of righteousness.

Extending Help

Alcoholism can be a significant factor in polydrug use. Many people assume that drinking is acceptable because Jesus turned water into wine. We drink wine to represent the blood of Christ, so it can be confusing. Throughout the Bible, it states that we aren’t supposed to drink to inebriation. Your body is to be viewed as a temple and you aren’t supposed to do anything that can harm it. We are to be sober-minded because that is what is best for us.

If someone has turned to alcohol and became addicted to it, it’s important to provide them with the faith-based rehab options they need. You shouldn’t come to them with judgment, though. They need to know that you support them and want to lift them up, rather than beat them down. Helping someone find a Christian rehab center is a start of being the right support system.

There are treatment centers that offer evidence-based treatments and also add faith-based programming. It’s important to have both evidence-based and faith-based components in the treatment of addiction.

It’s important to know that depending on the situation, different forms of Christian polydrug use recovery treatment may be needed in order for someone to have success with their recovery program. Trauma therapy is a great option for anyone who is abusing drugs or alcohol to self-medicate after a trauma. Group therapy is ideal for those that need Christian addiction help because it shows them that they aren’t alone in their struggles.

If there are members of your church who need help overcoming addiction from Christian rehabs, reach out to Chaplain Mike right away. He has been through his own battle with addiction, so he knows firsthand how hard it can be. He can help each person find the specific faith-based addiction recovery that they need. It may also be easier for someone to trust a person who has already been through a program at this faith-based treatment center. It can serve as an inspiration to make the necessary changes in their life. Call our ministry today at (877)781-9685.

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